logTime("Loaded Module and Action Id"); $memoryWatcher->logMemory("Loaded Module and Action Id"); initializeSession(); $timer->logTime("Initialized session"); if (isset($_REQUEST['test_role'])) { if ($_REQUEST['test_role'] == '') { setcookie('test_role', $_REQUEST['test_role'], time() - 1000, '/'); } else { setcookie('test_role', $_REQUEST['test_role'], 0, '/'); } } // Start Interface $interface = new UInterface(); $timer->logTime('Create interface'); //Check to see if we need to end masquerade mode /** SessionInterface $session */ global $session; $activeSessionObject = $session::$activeSessionObject; if ($activeSessionObject != null) { if (UserAccount::isUserMasquerading() && (time() - $activeSessionObject->last_used > SessionInterface::$masqueradeLifeTime)) { $_SESSION['activeUserId'] = $_SESSION['guidingUserId']; unset($_SESSION['guidingUserId']); } //Check to see when the session expires so we can automatically refresh the page to log the user out as needed $timeUntilSessionExpiration = $activeSessionObject->getTimeUntilSessionExpiration(); $interface->assign('timeUntilSessionExpiration', $timeUntilSessionExpiration); } global $locationSingleton; getGitBranch(); //Set a counter for CSS and JavaScript so we can have browsers clear their cache automatically $interface->assign('cssJsCacheCounter', 46); // Setup Translator global $language; global $serverName; //Get the active language $userLanguage = UserAccount::getUserInterfaceLanguage(); if ($userLanguage == '') { $language = strip_tags((isset($_SESSION['language'])) ? $_SESSION['language'] : 'en'); } else { $language = $userLanguage; } if (isset($_REQUEST['myLang'])) { $newLanguage = strip_tags($_REQUEST['myLang']); if (($userLanguage != '') && ($newLanguage != UserAccount::getUserInterfaceLanguage())) { $userObject = UserAccount::getActiveUserObj(); $userObject->interfaceLanguage = $newLanguage; $userObject->update(); } if ($language != $newLanguage) { $language = $newLanguage; $_SESSION['language'] = $language; //Clear the preference cookie if (isset($_COOKIE['searchPreferenceLanguage'])) { //Clear the cookie when we change languages setcookie('searchPreferenceLanguage', $_COOKIE['searchPreferenceLanguage'], time() - 1000, '/'); unset($_COOKIE['searchPreferenceLanguage']); } } } if (!UserAccount::isLoggedIn() && isset($_COOKIE['searchPreferenceLanguage'])) { $showLanguagePreferencesBar = true; $interface->assign('searchPreferenceLanguage', $_COOKIE['searchPreferenceLanguage']); } elseif (UserAccount::isLoggedIn()) { $showLanguagePreferencesBar = $language != 'en' && UserAccount::getActiveUserObj()->searchPreferenceLanguage == -1; $interface->assign('searchPreferenceLanguage', UserAccount::getActiveUserObj()->searchPreferenceLanguage); } else { $showLanguagePreferencesBar = $language != 'en'; $interface->assign('searchPreferenceLanguage', -1); } $interface->assign('showLanguagePreferencesBar', $showLanguagePreferencesBar); // Make sure language code is valid, reset to default if bad: $validLanguages = []; try { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Translation/Language.php'; $validLanguage = new Language(); $validLanguage->orderBy("weight"); $validLanguage->find(); $userIsTranslator = UserAccount::userHasPermission('Translate Aspen'); while ($validLanguage->fetch()) { if (!$validLanguage->displayToTranslatorsOnly || $userIsTranslator) { $validLanguages[$validLanguage->code] = clone $validLanguage; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $defaultLanguage = new Language(); $defaultLanguage->code = 'en'; $defaultLanguage->displayName = 'English'; $defaultLanguage->displayNameEnglish = 'English'; $defaultLanguage->facetValue = 'English'; $validLanguages['en'] = $defaultLanguage; $language = 'en'; } if (!array_key_exists($language, $validLanguages)) { $language = 'en'; } global $activeLanguage; global $translator; $activeLanguage = $validLanguages[$language]; $interface->assign('validLanguages', $validLanguages); if ($translator == null) { $translator = new Translator('lang', $language); } $timer->logTime('Translator setup'); $interface->assign('translationModeActive', $translator->translationModeActive()); $interface->setLanguage($activeLanguage); $interface->loadDisplayOptions(); $timer->logTime('Loaded display options within interface'); global $active_ip; try { if (isset($_COOKIE["cookieConsent"])) { $cookie = json_decode(urldecode($_COOKIE["cookieConsent"]), true); if ($cookie != null) { $analyticsPref = $cookie['Analytics']; }else{ $analyticsPref = 0; } }else{ $cookie = null; $analyticsPref = 0; } if (empty($library->cookieStorageConsent) || (!empty($library->cookieStorageConsent) && $analyticsPref == 1)){ require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Enrichment/GoogleApiSetting.php'; $googleSettings = new GoogleApiSetting(); if ($googleSettings->find(true)) { $googleAnalyticsId = $googleSettings->googleAnalyticsTrackingId; $googleAnalyticsLinkingId = $googleSettings->googleAnalyticsTrackingId; $interface->assign('googleAnalyticsId', $googleSettings->googleAnalyticsTrackingId); $interface->assign('googleAnalyticsLinkingId', $googleSettings->googleAnalyticsLinkingId); $interface->assign('googleAnalyticsVersion', empty($googleSettings->googleAnalyticsVersion) ? 'v3' : $googleSettings->googleAnalyticsVersion); $linkedProperties = ''; if (!empty($googleSettings->googleAnalyticsLinkedProperties)) { $linkedPropertyArray = preg_split('~\\r\\n|\\r|\\n~', $googleSettings->googleAnalyticsLinkedProperties); foreach ($linkedPropertyArray as $linkedProperty) { if (strlen($linkedProperties) > 0) { $linkedProperties .= ', '; } $linkedProperties .= "'$linkedProperty'"; } } $interface->assign('googleAnalyticsLinkedProperties', $linkedProperties); if ($googleAnalyticsId) { $googleAnalyticsDomainName = !empty($googleSettings->googleAnalyticsDomainName) ? $googleSettings->googleAnalyticsDomainName : strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '.'); // check for a config setting, use that if found, otherwise grab domain name but remove the first subdomain $interface->assign('googleAnalyticsDomainName', $googleAnalyticsDomainName); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { //This happens when Google analytics settings aren't setup yet } global $library; global $offlineMode; global $configArray; //Get the name of the active instance //$inLibrary, is used to pre-select auto-logout on place hold forms; // to hide the "remember me" option on login pages; // and to show the Location in the page footer if ($locationSingleton->getIPLocation() != null) { $interface->assign('inLibrary', true); $physicalLocation = $locationSingleton->getIPLocation()->displayName; } else { $interface->assign('inLibrary', false); $physicalLocation = 'Home'; } $interface->assign('physicalLocation', $physicalLocation); $productionServer = $configArray['Site']['isProduction']; $interface->assign('productionServer', $productionServer); $location = $locationSingleton->getActiveLocation(); // Determine Module and Action $module = (isset($_GET['module'])) ? $_GET['module'] : null; $module = preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '', $module); $action = (isset($_GET['action'])) ? $_GET['action'] : null; $action = preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '', $action); //Redirect some common spam components so they go to a valid place, and redirect old actions to new if ($action == 'trackback') { $action = null; } if ($action == 'SimilarTitles') { $action = 'Home'; } //Don't show DBMaintenance warning on the DB Maintenance page if ($action == 'DBMaintenance') { $interface->assign('hasSqlUpdates', false); } if ($action == 'OptionalUpdates'){ $interface->assign('hasOptionalUpdates', false); } //Set these initially in case user login fails, we will need the module to be set. $interface->assign('module', $module); $interface->assign('action', $action); //Check for maliciously formatted parameters checkForMaliciouslyFormattedParameters(); checkForTooManyFailedLogins(); if (isset($_REQUEST['q']) && !isset($_REQUEST['lookfor'])) { $_REQUEST['lookfor'] = $_REQUEST['q']; $_GET['lookfor'] = $_GET['q']; } global $solrScope; global $scopeType; global $isGlobalScope; $interface->assign('scopeType', $scopeType); $interface->assign('solrScope', "$solrScope - $scopeType"); $interface->assign('isGlobalScope', $isGlobalScope); $interface->assign('showFines', $configArray['Catalog']['showFines']); $interface->assign('activeIp', IPAddress::getActiveIp()); // Check system availability $mode = checkAvailabilityMode(); if ($mode['online'] === false) { $interface->display($mode['template']); exit(); } $timer->logTime('Checked availability mode'); try { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/SystemVariables.php'; $systemVariables = SystemVariables::getSystemVariables(); } catch (Exception $e) { $systemVariables = false; } //Check to see if we should show the submit ticket option $interface->assign('showSubmitTicket', false); if (UserAccount::isLoggedIn() && UserAccount::userHasPermission('Submit Ticket')) { if (!empty($systemVariables) && !empty($systemVariables->ticketEmail)) { $interface->assign('showSubmitTicket', true); } } //Check to see if we should show the cookieConsent banner $interface->assign('cookieStorageConsent', false); $interface->assign('cookieStorageConsentHTML', ''); if (!empty($library) && !empty($library->cookieStorageConsent)) { try { $userObj = UserAccount::getActiveUserObj(); //If the user is logged in and has set their cookie preferences (and has no preferences in db yet) prior to logging in, save these preferences in DB if (isset($_COOKIE["cookieConsent"]) && UserAccount::isLoggedIn() && $userObj->userCookiePreferenceEssential != 1) { $cookie = json_decode(urldecode($_COOKIE["cookieConsent"]), true); if (!empty($cookie)) { $analyticsPref = $cookie['Analytics']; $userObj->userCookiePreferenceEssential = 1; $userObj->userCookiePreferenceAnalytics = $analyticsPref; $userObj->update(); } } //Assign variables to smarty interface $interface->assign('profile', $userObj); $interface->assign('cookieStorageConsent', true); $interface->assign('cookieStorageConsentHTML', $library->cookiePolicyHTML); } catch (Exception $e) { //Not yet setup. Ignore } } //system variable for supporting company name $interface->assign('supportingCompany', 'ByWater Solutions'); if (!empty($systemVariables) && !empty($systemVariables->supportingCompany)) { $interface->assign('supportingCompany', $systemVariables->supportingCompany); } $deviceName = get_device_name(); $interface->assign('deviceName', $deviceName); if (isset($_REQUEST['lookfor'])) { // Advanced Search with only the default search group (multiple search groups are named lookfor0, lookfor1, ... ) if (is_array($_REQUEST['lookfor'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['lookfor'] as $i => $searchTerm) { if (isSpammySearchTerm($searchTerm)) { global $interface; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; trackSpammyRequest(); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; } if (preg_match('~(https|mailto|http):/{0,2}~i', $searchTerm)) { $_REQUEST['lookfor'][$i] = preg_replace('~(https|mailto|http):/{0,2}~i', '', $searchTerm); $_GET['lookfor'][$i] = preg_replace('~(https|mailto|http):/{0,2}~i', '', $searchTerm); } $cleanedSearchTerm = strip_tags($searchTerm); if ($cleanedSearchTerm != $searchTerm) { $_REQUEST['lookfor'][$i] = $cleanedSearchTerm; $_GET['lookfor'][$i] = $cleanedSearchTerm; } if (strlen($searchTerm) >= 500) { //This is normally someone trying to inject junk into the database, give them an error page and don't log it $interface->setTemplate('../queryTooLong.tpl'); $interface->setPageTitle('An Error has occurred'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); exit(); } } } else { if (isSpammySearchTerm($_REQUEST['lookfor'])) { global $interface; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; trackSpammyRequest(); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; } // Basic Search $searchTerm = trim($_REQUEST['lookfor']); if (preg_match('~(https|mailto|http):/{0,2}~i', $searchTerm)) { $searchTerm = preg_replace('~(https|mailto|http):/{0,2}~i', '', $searchTerm); $searchTerm = preg_replace('~(https|mailto|http):/{0,2}~i', '', $searchTerm); } $cleanedSearchTerm = strip_tags($searchTerm); if ($cleanedSearchTerm != $searchTerm) { $searchTerm = $cleanedSearchTerm; } if (strlen($searchTerm) >= 256) { $interface->setTemplate('../queryTooLong.tpl'); $interface->setPageTitle('An Error has occurred'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); exit(); } if ($searchTerm != $_REQUEST['lookfor']) { $_REQUEST['lookfor'] = $searchTerm; $_GET['lookfor'] = $searchTerm; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['filter'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['filter'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['filter'] as $i => $filterTerm) { if (isSpammySearchTerm($filterTerm)) { global $interface; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; trackSpammyRequest(); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; } } }else{ if (isSpammySearchTerm($_REQUEST['filter'])) { global $interface; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; trackSpammyRequest(); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; } } } //Look for suspicous pararmaters foreach ($_REQUEST as $parameter => $value) { if (strpos($parameter, 'nslookup') === 0) { global $interface; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; trackSpammyRequest(); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; }else if (strpos($parameter, 'bool') === 0) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $tmpValue) { if (!in_array($tmpValue, [ 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT' ])) { global $interface; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; trackSpammyRequest(); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; } } } else { if (!in_array($value, [ 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT' ])) { global $interface; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; trackSpammyRequest(); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; } } } } $interface->assign('canLoginSSO', IPAddress::allowSSOAccessForClientIP()); $isLoggedIn = UserAccount::isLoggedIn(); $timer->logTime('Check if user is logged in'); // Process Authentication, must be done here so we can redirect based on user information // immediately after logging in. $interface->assign('loggedIn', $isLoggedIn); if ($isLoggedIn) { $activeUserId = UserAccount::getActiveUserId(); $interface->assign('activeUserId', $activeUserId); $activeUserObject = UserAccount::getActiveUserObj(); $interface->assign('user', $activeUserObject); $userIsStaff = $activeUserObject->isStaff(); $interface->assign('userIsStaff', $userIsStaff); $interface->assign('showResetUsernameLink', $activeUserObject->showResetUsernameLink()); } elseif ((isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && ($action != 'Account' && $module != 'AJAX') && ($module != 'API')) || isset($_REQUEST['casLogin'])) { //The user is trying to log in try { $user = UserAccount::login(); } catch (UnknownAuthenticationMethodException $e) { AspenError::raiseError("Error authenticating patron " . $e->getMessage()); } $timer->logTime('Login the user'); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Account/ExpiredPasswordError.php'; if ($user instanceof ExpiredPasswordError) { $_REQUEST['token'] = $user->resetToken; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyAccount/CompletePinReset.php'; $launchAction = new MyAccount_CompletePinReset(); $launchAction->setPinExpired(true); $launchAction->launch(); exit(); } elseif ($user instanceof TwoFactorAuthenticationError) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyAccount/Login.php'; $launchAction = new MyAccount_Login(); $launchAction->launch(); exit(); } elseif ($user instanceof AspenError) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyAccount/Login.php'; $launchAction = new MyAccount_Login(); $error_msg = translate([ 'text' => $user->getMessage(), 'isPublicFacing' => true, ]); $launchAction->launch($error_msg); exit(); } elseif (!$user) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyAccount/Login.php'; $launchAction = new MyAccount_Login(); $launchAction->launch("Unknown error logging in"); exit(); } $interface->assign('user', $user); $interface->assign('loggedIn', $user == false ? 'false' : 'true'); $interface->assign('activeUserId', $user->id); $interface->assign('enableReadingHistory', $user->isReadingHistoryEnabled()); $interface->assign('enablePaymentHistory', $user->isPaymentHistoryEnabled()); //Check to see if there is a followup module and if so, use that module and action for the next page load if (isset($_REQUEST['followupModule']) && isset($_REQUEST['followupAction'])) { // For Masquerade Follow up, start directly instead of a redirect if ($_REQUEST['followupAction'] == 'Masquerade' && $_REQUEST['followupModule'] == 'MyAccount') { global $logger; $logger->log("Processing Masquerade after logging in", Logger::LOG_ERROR); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyAccount/Masquerade.php'; $masquerade = new MyAccount_Masquerade(); $masquerade->launch(); die; } elseif ($_REQUEST['followupAction'] == 'MyList' && $_REQUEST['followupModule'] == 'MyAccount') { $followupUrl = "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['followupModule']); $followupUrl .= "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['followupAction']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['recordId'])) { $followupUrl .= "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['recordId']); } header("Location: " . $followupUrl); exit(); } elseif ($_REQUEST['followupAction'] == 'AccessOnline' && $_REQUEST['followupModule'] == 'EBSCOhost') { $followupUrl = "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['followupModule']); $followupUrl .= "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['followupAction']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['recordId'])) { $followupUrl .= "?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['recordId']); } header("Location: " . $followupUrl); exit(); } elseif ($_REQUEST['followupModule'] == 'WebBuilder') { echo("Redirecting to followup location"); $followupUrl = "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['followupModule']); $followupUrl .= "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['followupAction']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['pageId'])) { if ($_REQUEST['followupAction'] == "BasicPage") { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/WebBuilder/BasicPage.php'; $basicPage = new BasicPage(); $basicPage->id = $_REQUEST['pageId']; if ($basicPage->find(true)) { if ($basicPage->urlAlias) { $followupUrl = $basicPage->urlAlias; } else { $followupUrl .= "?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } else { $followupUrl .= "?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['followupAction'] == "PortalPage") { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/WebBuilder/PortalPage.php'; $portalPage = new PortalPage(); $portalPage->id = $_REQUEST['pageId']; if ($portalPage->find(true)) { if ($portalPage->urlAlias) { $followupUrl = $portalPage->urlAlias; } else { $followupUrl .= "?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } else { $followupUrl .= "?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } else if($_REQUEST['followupAction'] == "Form"){ require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/WebBuilder/CustomForm.php'; $customForm = new CustomForm(); $customForm->id = $_REQUEST['pageId']; if($customForm->find(true)){ if($customForm->urlAlias){ $followupUrl = $customForm->urlAlias; } else { $followupUrl .="?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } else { $followupUrl .="?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } else if($_REQUEST['followupAction'] == "QuickPoll"){ require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/WebBuilder/QuickPoll.php'; $quickPoll = new QuickPoll(); $quickPoll->id = $_REQUEST['pageId']; if($quickPoll->find(true)){ if($quickPoll->urlAlias){ $followupUrl = $quickPoll->urlAlias; } else { $followupUrl .="?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } else { $followupUrl .="?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } else { $followupUrl .= "?id=" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['pageId']); } } header("Location: " . $followupUrl); exit(); } else { echo("Redirecting to followup location"); $followupUrl = "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['followupModule']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['recordId'])) { $followupUrl .= "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['recordId']); } $followupUrl .= "/" . strip_tags($_REQUEST['followupAction']); if (isset($_REQUEST['comment'])) { $followupUrl .= "?comment=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['comment']); } header("Location: " . $followupUrl); exit(); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['followupModule']) && isset($_REQUEST['followupAction'])) { $module = isset($_REQUEST['followupModule']) ? $_REQUEST['followupModule'] : $configArray['Site']['defaultModule']; $action = isset($_REQUEST['followupAction']) ? $_REQUEST['followupAction'] : 'Home'; if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['recordId'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['recordId']; } if (isset($id)) { $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; } $_REQUEST['module'] = $module; $_REQUEST['action'] = $action; } } $timer->logTime('User authentication'); //Load user data for the user as long as we aren't in the act of logging out. if (UserAccount::isLoggedIn() && (!isset($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'Logout')) { $userDisplayName = UserAccount::getUserDisplayName(); $interface->assign('userDisplayName', $userDisplayName); $userPermissions = UserAccount::getActivePermissions(); $interface->assign('userPermissions', $userPermissions); $disableCoverArt = UserAccount::getDisableCoverArt(); $interface->assign('disableCoverArt', $disableCoverArt); $hasLinkedUsers = UserAccount::hasLinkedUsers(); $interface->assign('hasLinkedUsers', $hasLinkedUsers); $interface->assign('pType', UserAccount::getUserPType()); $interface->assign('canMasquerade', UserAccount::getActiveUserObj()->canMasquerade()); $masqueradeMode = UserAccount::isUserMasquerading(); $interface->assign('masqueradeMode', $masqueradeMode); if ($masqueradeMode) { $guidingUser = UserAccount::getGuidingUserObject(); $interface->assign('guidingUser', $guidingUser); } $interface->assign('userHasCatalogConnection', UserAccount::getUserHasCatalogConnection()); $user = UserAccount::getActiveUserObj(); $interface->assign('enableReadingHistory', $user->isReadingHistoryEnabled()); $interface->assign('enablePaymentHistory', $user->isPaymentHistoryEnabled()); $homeLibrary = Library::getLibraryForLocation(UserAccount::getUserHomeLocationId()); if (isset($homeLibrary)) { $interface->assign('homeLibrary', $homeLibrary->displayName); } $interface->assign('hasInterlibraryLoanConnection', UserAccount::getUserHasInterLibraryLoan()); $timer->logTime('Load patron pType'); } else { $interface->assign('pType', 'logged out'); $interface->assign('homeLibrary', 'n/a'); $masqueradeMode = false; $interface->assign('masqueradeMode', $masqueradeMode); $interface->assign('userHasCatalogConnection', false); $interface->assign('hasInterlibraryLoanConnection', false); $interface->assign('disableCoverArt', false); $interface->assign('enableReadingHistory', false); $interface->assign('enablePaymentHistory', false); } //Find a reasonable default location to go to if ($module == null && $action == null) { //We have no information about where to go, go to the default location from config $module = $configArray['Site']['defaultModule']; $action = 'Home'; } elseif ($action == null) { $action = 'Home'; } $interface->assign('module', $module); $interface->assign('action', $action); $timer->logTime('Assign module and action'); require_once(ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/SearchSources.php'); $searchSources = new SearchSources(); [ $enableCombinedResults, $showCombinedResultsFirst, $combinedResultsName, ] = $searchSources::getCombinedSearchSetupParameters($location, $library); $searchSource = !empty($_REQUEST['searchSource']) ? $_REQUEST['searchSource'] : 'local'; //Load repeat search options $validSearchSources = $searchSources->getSearchSources(); $interface->assign('searchSources', $validSearchSources); $interface->assign('searchSource', $searchSource); //Determine if the top search box and breadcrumbs should be shown. Not showing these //Does have a slight performance advantage. global $isAJAX; $isAJAX = false; if ($action == "AJAX" || $action == "JSON" || $module == 'API') { $isAJAX = true; $interface->assign('showTopSearchBox', 0); $interface->assign('showBreadcrumbs', 0); if (BotChecker::isRequestFromBot()) { $aspenUsage->pageViewsByBots++; } else { $aspenUsage->ajaxRequests++; } } else { if (BotChecker::isRequestFromBot()) { $aspenUsage->pageViewsByBots++; } else { $aspenUsage->pageViews++; } if ($isLoggedIn) { $aspenUsage->pageViewsByAuthenticatedUsers++; } //Load basic search types for use in the interface. $activeSearchSource = 'catalog'; if (isset($_REQUEST['searchSource'])) { $activeSearchSource = $_REQUEST['searchSource']; } if (!array_key_exists($activeSearchSource, $validSearchSources)) { $activeSearchSource = array_key_first($validSearchSources); } $activeSearchObject = SearchSources::getSearcherForSource($activeSearchSource); $searchIndexes = SearchSources::getSearchIndexesForSource($activeSearchObject, $activeSearchSource); $interface->assign('searchIndexes', $searchIndexes); $interface->assign('defaultSearchIndex', $activeSearchObject->getDefaultIndex()); // Set search results display mode in search-box // if ($activeSearchObject->getView()) { $interface->assign('displayMode', $activeSearchObject->getView()); } if ($library->enableGenealogy) { $interface->assign('enableGenealogy', true); } if ($library->enableOpenArchives) { $interface->assign('enableOpenArchives', true); } if (!($module == 'Search' && $action == 'Home')) { /** @var SearchObject_BaseSearcher $activeSearch */ $activeSearch = $activeSearchObject->loadLastSearch(); //Load information about the search so we can display it in the search box if (!is_null($activeSearch)) { $interface->assign('lookfor', $activeSearch->displayQuery()); $interface->assign('searchType', $activeSearch->getSearchType()); $interface->assign('searchIndexes', $activeSearch->getSearchIndexes()); $interface->assign('defaultSearchIndex', $activeSearch->getDefaultIndex()); $interface->assign('searchIndex', $activeSearch->getSearchIndex()); $interface->assign('filterList', $activeSearch->getFilterList()); $interface->assign('savedSearch', $activeSearch->isSavedSearch()); if (empty($_GET['searchSource'])) { $interface->assign('searchSource', $activeSearch->getSearchSource()); } } $timer->logTime('Load last search for redisplay'); } if (($action == "Home" && $module == "Search") || $action == "AJAX" || $action == "JSON") { $interface->assign('showBreadcrumbs', 0); } else { $interface->assign('showBreadcrumbs', 1); if ($library->getLayoutSettings()->useHomeLinkInBreadcrumbs && !empty($library->homeLink)) { $interface->assign('homeBreadcrumbLink', $library->homeLink); } else { $interface->assign('homeBreadcrumbLink', '/'); } } if (!empty($library->getLayoutSettings()->homeLinkText)) { $interface->assign('homeLinkText', $library->getLayoutSettings()->homeLinkText); } else { $interface->assign('homeLinkText', 'Home'); } if (!empty($library->getLayoutSettings()->browseLinkText)) { $interface->assign('browseLinkText', $library->getLayoutSettings()->browseLinkText); } else { $interface->assign('browseLinkText', 'Browse'); } } //Load page level system messages if (!$isAJAX) { try { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/LocalEnrichment/SystemMessage.php'; $systemMessages = []; if ($offlineMode) { $systemMessage = new SystemMessage(); $systemMessage->id = -1; $systemMessage->dismissable = 0; $systemMessage->message = $interface->getVariable('offlineMessage'); $systemMessage->messageStyle = 'danger'; $systemMessages[] = $systemMessage; } //Set System Message after translator has been setup if (strlen($library->systemMessage) > 0) { $librarySystemMessage = new SystemMessage(); $librarySystemMessage->id = -2; $librarySystemMessage->dismissable = 0; $librarySystemMessage->setPreFormattedMessage($library->systemMessage); $systemMessages[] = $librarySystemMessage; } $customSystemMessage = new SystemMessage(); $now = time(); $customSystemMessage->showOn = 0; $customSystemMessage->whereAdd("startDate = 0 OR startDate <= $now"); $customSystemMessage->whereAdd("endDate = 0 OR endDate > $now"); $customSystemMessage->find(); while ($customSystemMessage->fetch()) { if ($customSystemMessage->isValidForDisplay()) { $systemMessages[] = clone $customSystemMessage; } } $interface->assign('systemMessages', $systemMessages); } catch (Exception $e) { //This happens when system message table hasn't been added. Ignore } } //Determine if we should include autoLogout Code $ipLocation = $locationSingleton->getPhysicalLocation(); if (!empty($ipLocation) && !empty($library) && $ipLocation->libraryId != $library->libraryId) { // This is to cover the case of being within one library but the user is browsing another library catalog // This will turn off the auto-log out and Internal IP functionality // (unless the user includes the opac parameter) $ipLocation = null; } $isOpac = $locationSingleton->getOpacStatus(); $interface->assign('isOpac', $isOpac); $onInternalIP = false; $includeAutoLogoutCode = false; $automaticTimeoutLength = 0; $automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut = 0; $onInternalIP = false; if (($isOpac || $masqueradeMode || (!empty($ipLocation) && $ipLocation->getOpacStatus())) && !$offlineMode) { // Make sure we don't have timeouts if we are offline (because it's super annoying when doing offline checkouts and holds) //$isOpac is set by URL parameter or cookie; ipLocation->getOpacStatus() returns $opacStatus private variable which comes from the ip tables // Turn on the auto log out $onInternalIP = true; $includeAutoLogoutCode = true; $automaticTimeoutLength = $locationSingleton::DEFAULT_AUTOLOGOUT_TIME; $automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut = $locationSingleton::DEFAULT_AUTOLOGOUT_TIME_LOGGED_OUT; if ($masqueradeMode) { // Masquerade Time Out Lengths $automaticTimeoutLength = empty($library->masqueradeAutomaticTimeoutLength) ? 90 : $library->masqueradeAutomaticTimeoutLength; } else { // Determine Regular Time Out Lengths if (UserAccount::isLoggedIn()) { if (!isset($user)) { $user = UserAccount::getActiveUserObj(); } // User has bypass AutoLog out setting turned on if ($user->bypassAutoLogout == 1) { // The account setting profile template only presents this option to users that are staff $includeAutoLogoutCode = false; } } else { // Not logged in only include auto logout code if we are not on the home page if ($module == 'Search' && $action == 'Home') { $includeAutoLogoutCode = false; } } // If we know the branch, use the timeout settings from that branch if ($isOpac && $location) { $automaticTimeoutLength = $location->automaticTimeoutLength; $automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut = $location->automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut; } // If we know the branch by ip location, use the settings based on that location elseif ($ipLocation) { $automaticTimeoutLength = $ipLocation->automaticTimeoutLength; $automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut = $ipLocation->automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut; } // Otherwise, use the main branch's settings or the first location's settings elseif ($library) { $firstLocation = new Location(); $firstLocation->libraryId = $library->libraryId; $firstLocation->orderBy('isMainBranch DESC'); if ($firstLocation->find(true)) { // This finds either the main branch, or if there isn't one a location $automaticTimeoutLength = $firstLocation->automaticTimeoutLength; $automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut = $firstLocation->automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut; } } } } $interface->assign('automaticTimeoutLength', $automaticTimeoutLength); $interface->assign('automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut', $automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut); $interface->assign('onInternalIP', $onInternalIP); $interface->assign('includeAutoLogoutCode', $includeAutoLogoutCode); $timer->logTime('Check whether or not to include auto logout code'); // Call Action // Note: ObjectEditor classes typically have the class name of DB_Object with an 's' added to the end. // This distinction prevents the DB_Object from being mistakenly called as the Action class. $isInvalidUrl = false; $requestUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (preg_match('/.*(DBMS_PIPE\.RECEIVE_MESSAGE|PG_SLEEP|WAITFOR|UNION%20ALL|SLEEP%28\d+%29|%7CCHR|CONVERT%28INT|SELECT%20COUNT).*/', $requestUrl)) { $isInvalidUrl = true; } if ($isInvalidUrl || !is_dir(ROOT_DIR . "/services/$module")) { $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; $actionClass = new Error_Handle404(); $actionClass->launch(); } elseif (is_readable("services/$module/$action.php")) { $actionFile = ROOT_DIR . "/services/$module/$action.php"; require_once $actionFile; $moduleActionClass = "{$module}_{$action}"; if (class_exists($moduleActionClass, false)) { /** @var Action $service */ $service = new $moduleActionClass(); $timer->logTime('Start launch of action'); try { $service->launch(); } catch (Error $e) { $backtrace[] = [ 'file' => $e->getFile(), 'line' => $e->getLine(), ]; $backtrace = array_merge($backtrace, $e->getTrace()); AspenError::raiseError(new AspenError($e->getMessage(), $backtrace)); } catch (Exception $e) { AspenError::raiseError(new AspenError($e->getMessage(), $e->getTrace())); } $timer->logTime('Finish launch of action'); } elseif (class_exists($action, false)) { /** @var Action $service */ $service = new $action(); $timer->logTime('Start launch of action'); try { $service->launch(); } catch (Error $e) { AspenError::raiseError(new AspenError($e->getMessage(), $e->getTrace())); } catch (Exception $e) { AspenError::raiseError(new AspenError($e->getMessage(), $e->getTrace())); } $timer->logTime('Finish launch of action'); } else { AspenError::raiseError(new AspenError('Unknown Action')); } } else { //We have a bad URL, just serve a 404 page $module = 'Error'; $action = 'Handle404'; $interface->assign('module', 'Error'); $interface->assign('action', 'Handle404'); require_once ROOT_DIR . "/services/Error/Handle404.php"; $actionClass = new Error_Handle404(); $actionClass->launch(); } $timer->logTime('Finished Index'); $timer->writeTimings(); $memoryWatcher->logMemory("Finished index"); $memoryWatcher->writeMemory(); try { $elapsedTime = $timer->getElapsedTime(); if (!BotChecker::isRequestFromBot()) { if ($isAJAX) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/SystemLogging/SlowAjaxRequest.php'; $slowRequest = new SlowAjaxRequest(); $slowRequest->year = date('Y'); $slowRequest->month = date('n'); $slowRequest->module = $module; $slowRequest->method = (isset($_GET['method']) && !is_array($_GET['method'])) ? $_GET['method'] : ''; $slowRequest->action = $action; if ($slowRequest->find(true)) { $slowRequest->setSlowness($elapsedTime); $slowRequest->update(); } else { $slowRequest->setSlowness($elapsedTime); $slowRequest->insert(); } } else { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/SystemLogging/SlowPage.php'; $slowPage = new SlowPage(); $slowPage->year = date('Y'); $slowPage->month = date('n'); $slowPage->module = $module; $slowPage->action = $action; if ($slowPage->find(true)) { $slowPage->setSlowness($elapsedTime); $slowPage->update(); } else { $slowPage->setSlowness($elapsedTime); $slowPage->insert(); } } } if (!empty($aspenUsage->__get('id'))) { $aspenUsage->update(); } else { $aspenUsage->insert(); } if (SystemVariables::getSystemVariables()->trackIpAddresses) { if ($usageByIPAddress->id) { $usageByIPAddress->update(); } else { $usageByIPAddress->insert(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { //Table not created yet, ignore global $logger; $logger->log("Exception updating aspen usage/slow pages/usage by IP: " . $e, Logger::LOG_DEBUG); } if (class_exists('CatalogFactory')) { CatalogFactory::closeCatalogConnections(); } // Check for the various stages of functionality function checkAvailabilityMode() { global $configArray; $mode = []; // If the config file 'available' flag is // set we are forcing downtime. if (!$configArray['System']['available']) { //Unless the user is accessing from a maintenance IP address $isMaintenance = false; if (isset($configArray['System']['maintenanceIps'])) { $activeIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $maintenanceIp = $configArray['System']['maintenanceIps']; $maintenanceIps = explode(",", $maintenanceIp); foreach ($maintenanceIps as $curIp) { if ($curIp == $activeIp) { $isMaintenance = true; break; } } } if ($isMaintenance) { global $interface; $interface->assign('systemMessage', 'You are currently accessing the site in maintenance mode. Remember to turn off maintenance when you are done.'); } else { $mode['online'] = false; $mode['level'] = 'unavailable'; $mode['template'] = 'unavailable.tpl'; return $mode; } } // No problems? We are online then $mode['online'] = true; return $mode; } function loadModuleActionId() { //Cleanup method information so module, action, and id are set properly. //This ensures that we don't have to change the http.conf file when new types are added. //Deal with old path based urls by removing the leading path. $requestURI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (empty($requestURI) || $requestURI == '/') { //Check to see if we have a default path for the server name try { $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/LibraryLocation/HostInformation.php'; $hostInfo = new HostInformation(); $hostInfo->host = $host; if ($hostInfo->find(true)) { $requestURI = $hostInfo->defaultPath; } } catch (Exception $e) { //This happens before the table is added, just ignore it. } } /** IndexingProfile[] $indexingProfiles */ global $indexingProfiles; /** SideLoad[] $sideLoadSettings */ global $sideLoadSettings; $allRecordModules = "OverDrive|GroupedWork|Record|ExternalEContent|Person|Library|RBdigital|Hoopla|RBdigitalMagazine|CloudLibrary|Files|Axis360|WebBuilder|ProPay|CourseReserves|Springshare|LibraryMarket|Communico|PalaceProject|Assabet"; foreach ($indexingProfiles as $profile) { $allRecordModules .= '|' . $profile->recordUrlComponent; } foreach ($sideLoadSettings as $profile) { $allRecordModules .= '|' . $profile->recordUrlComponent; } $checkWebBuilderAliases = false; if (preg_match("~(MyAccount)/([^/?]+)/([^/?]+)(\?.+)?~", $requestURI, $matches)) { $_GET['module'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['id'] = $matches[3]; $_GET['action'] = $matches[2]; $_REQUEST['module'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['id'] = $matches[3]; $_REQUEST['action'] = $matches[2]; } elseif (preg_match("~(MyAccount)/([^/?]+)(\?.+)?~", $requestURI, $matches)) { $_GET['module'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['action'] = $matches[2]; $_REQUEST['id'] = ''; $_REQUEST['module'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['action'] = $matches[2]; $_REQUEST['id'] = ''; } elseif (preg_match("~(MyAccount)/?~", $requestURI, $matches)) { $_GET['module'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['action'] = 'Home'; $_REQUEST['id'] = ''; $_REQUEST['module'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'Home'; $_REQUEST['id'] = ''; } elseif (preg_match('~/(Archive)/((?:[\\w\\d:]|%3A)+)/([^/?]+)~', $requestURI, $matches)) { $_GET['module'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['id'] = urldecode($matches[2]); // Decodes colons % codes back into colons. $_GET['action'] = $matches[3]; $_REQUEST['module'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['id'] = urldecode($matches[2]); // Decodes colons % codes back into colons. $_REQUEST['action'] = $matches[3]; //Redirect things /GroupedWork/AJAX to the proper action } elseif (preg_match("~($allRecordModules)/([a-zA-Z]+)(?:\?|/?$)~", $requestURI, $matches)) { $_GET['module'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['action'] = $matches[2]; $_REQUEST['module'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['action'] = $matches[2]; //Redirect things /Record/.b3246786/Home to the proper action //Also things like /OverDrive/84876507-043b-b3ce-2930-91af93d2a4f0/Home } elseif (preg_match("~($allRecordModules)/([^/?]+?)/([^/?]+)~", $requestURI, $matches)) { //Getting some weird cases where the action is replaced with an email address for uintah. //As a workaround, if the action looks like an email, change it to Home if (preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9._%+-]{0,63}@(?:[A-Z0-9-]{1,63}\.){1,8}[A-Z]{2,63}$/i', $matches[3])) { $requestURI = str_replace($matches[3], 'Home', $requestURI); header('Location: ' . $requestURI); die(); } $_GET['module'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['id'] = $matches[2]; $_GET['action'] = $matches[3]; $_REQUEST['module'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['id'] = $matches[2]; $_REQUEST['action'] = $matches[3]; //Redirect things /Record/.b3246786 to the proper action } elseif (preg_match("~($allRecordModules)/([^/?]+?)(?:\?|/?$)~", $requestURI, $matches)) { $_GET['module'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['id'] = $matches[2]; $_GET['action'] = 'Home'; $_REQUEST['module'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['id'] = $matches[2]; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'Home'; } elseif (preg_match("~([^/?]+)/([^/?]+)~", $requestURI, $matches)) { $_GET['module'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['action'] = $matches[2]; $_REQUEST['module'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['action'] = $matches[2]; $checkWebBuilderAliases = true; } else { $checkWebBuilderAliases = true; } global $enabledModules; global $library; try { if ($checkWebBuilderAliases && array_key_exists('Web Builder', $enabledModules)) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/WebBuilder/BasicPage.php'; //Request path will go up to any query parameters (first ?) $requestPath = $requestURI; if (strpos($requestPath, '?') > 0) { $requestPath = substr($requestPath, 0, strpos($requestPath, '?')); } $basicPage = new BasicPage(); $basicPage->urlAlias = $requestPath; $basicPageLibrary = new LibraryBasicPage(); $basicPageLibrary->libraryId = $library->libraryId; $basicPage->joinAdd($basicPageLibrary, 'INNER', 'libraryFilter', 'id', 'basicPageId'); if ($basicPage->find(true)) { $_GET['module'] = 'WebBuilder'; $_GET['action'] = 'BasicPage'; $_GET['id'] = $basicPage->id; $_REQUEST['module'] = 'WebBuilder'; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'BasicPage'; $_REQUEST['id'] = $basicPage->id; } else { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/WebBuilder/PortalPage.php'; $portalPage = new PortalPage(); $portalPage->urlAlias = $requestPath; $portalPageLibrary = new LibraryPortalPage(); $portalPageLibrary->libraryId = $library->libraryId; $portalPage->joinAdd($portalPageLibrary, 'INNER', 'libraryFilter', 'id', 'portalPageId'); if ($portalPage->find(true)) { $_GET['module'] = 'WebBuilder'; $_GET['action'] = 'PortalPage'; $_GET['id'] = $portalPage->id; $_REQUEST['module'] = 'WebBuilder'; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'PortalPage'; $_REQUEST['id'] = $portalPage->id; } else { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/WebBuilder/CustomForm.php'; $form = new CustomForm(); $form->urlAlias = $requestPath; $customFormLibrary = new LibraryCustomForm(); $customFormLibrary->libraryId = $library->libraryId; $form->joinAdd($customFormLibrary, 'INNER', 'libraryFilter', 'id', 'formId'); if ($form->find(true)) { $_GET['module'] = 'WebBuilder'; $_GET['action'] = 'Form'; $_GET['id'] = $form->id; $_REQUEST['module'] = 'WebBuilder'; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'Form'; $_REQUEST['id'] = $form->id; } else { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/WebBuilder/QuickPoll.php'; $quickPoll = new QuickPoll(); $quickPoll->urlAlias = $requestPath; $quickPollLibrary = new LibraryQuickPoll(); $quickPollLibrary->libraryId = $library->libraryId; $quickPoll->joinAdd($quickPollLibrary, 'INNER', 'libraryFilter', 'id', 'pollId'); if ($quickPoll->find(true)) { $_GET['module'] = 'WebBuilder'; $_GET['action'] = 'QuickPoll'; $_GET['id'] = $quickPoll->id; $_REQUEST['module'] = 'WebBuilder'; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'QuickPoll'; $_REQUEST['id'] = $quickPoll->id; } } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { //This happens if web builder is not fully installed, ignore the error. } //Correct some old actions if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'OverdriveHolds') { $_GET['action'] = 'Holds'; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'Holds'; } else { if ($_GET['action'] == 'OverdriveCheckedOut') { $_GET['action'] = 'CheckedOut'; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'CheckedOut'; } } } global $activeRecordProfile; //Check to see if the module is a profile if (isset($_REQUEST['module'])) { /** @var IndexingProfile[] */ global $indexingProfiles; /** @var IndexingProfile $profile */ foreach ($indexingProfiles as $profile) { if ($profile->recordUrlComponent == $_REQUEST['module']) { $newId = $profile->name . ':' . $_REQUEST['id']; $_GET['id'] = $newId; $_REQUEST['id'] = $newId; if (!file_exists(ROOT_DIR . '/services/' . $_REQUEST['module'])) { $_GET['module'] = 'Record'; $_REQUEST['module'] = 'Record'; } $activeRecordProfile = $profile; break; } } /** @var SideLoad[] */ global $sideLoadSettings; foreach ($sideLoadSettings as $profile) { if ($profile->recordUrlComponent == $_REQUEST['module']) { $newId = $profile->name . ':' . $_REQUEST['id']; $_GET['id'] = $newId; $_REQUEST['id'] = $newId; if (!file_exists(ROOT_DIR . '/services/' . $_REQUEST['module'])) { $_GET['module'] = 'Record'; $_REQUEST['module'] = 'Record'; } $activeRecordProfile = $profile; break; } } if (is_null($activeRecordProfile)) { //We will default to the first indexing profile that has a catalog connection foreach ($indexingProfiles as $profile) { if (!empty($profile->catalogDriver)) { $activeRecordProfile = $profile; break; } } } } } function initializeSession() { global $timer; /** SessionInterface $session */ global $session; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Session/MySQLSession.php'; session_name('aspen_session'); $session = new MySQLSession(); $session->init(); $timer->logTime('Session initialization MySQLSession'); } //Look for spammy searches and kill them function isSpammySearchTerm($lookfor): bool { if (strpos($lookfor, 'DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'PG_SLEEP') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'SELECT') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'SLEEP') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'ORDER BY') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'WAITFOR') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'nvOpzp') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'window.location') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'window.top') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'nslookup') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'if(') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'now(') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'sysdate()') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'sleep(') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'cast(') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'current_database') !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($lookfor, 'response.write') !== false) { return true; } $termWithoutTags = strip_tags($lookfor); if ($termWithoutTags != $lookfor) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return void */ function checkForMaliciouslyFormattedParameters(): void { $isMaliciousUrl = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['page'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['page'])) { if ($_REQUEST['page'] != 'accountActivity') { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['recordIndex']) && !empty($_REQUEST['recordIndex'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['recordIndex'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['recordIndex'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['searchId']) && !empty($_REQUEST['searchId'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['searchId'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['searchId'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } // if (isset($_REQUEST['method'])) { // if (is_array($_REQUEST['method'])) { // $isMaliciousUrl = true; // //This is a little broader than we need to deal with post migration URLS where an old catalog gets redirected to Aspen // } elseif (!preg_match_all('/^[a-zA-Z0-9.~_+-]*$/', $_REQUEST['method'])) { // $isMaliciousUrl = true; // } // } // if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { // if ($_REQUEST['module'] != 'fonts') { // if (is_array($_REQUEST['action'])) { // $isMaliciousUrl = true; // //This is a little broader than we need to deal with post migration URLS where an old catalog gets redirected to Aspen // } elseif (!preg_match_all('/^[a-zA-Z0-9.~_+-]+$/', $_REQUEST['action'])) { // $isMaliciousUrl = true; // } // } // } if (isset($_REQUEST['followupAction'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['followupAction'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!preg_match_all('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $_REQUEST['followupAction'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['followupModule'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['followupModule'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!preg_match_all('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $_REQUEST['followupModule'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['borrower_branchcode'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['borrower_branchcode'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!preg_match_all('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $_REQUEST['borrower_branchcode'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['month'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['month'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!preg_match_all('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $_REQUEST['month'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['year'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['year'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!preg_match_all('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $_REQUEST['year'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['size'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['size'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (!preg_match_all('/^[a-z-]*$/', $_REQUEST['size'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['author'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['author'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } elseif (isSpammySearchTerm($_REQUEST['author'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { if (isSpammySearchTerm($_REQUEST['id'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['lookfor'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['lookfor'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['lookfor'] as $searchTerm) { if (isSpammySearchTerm($searchTerm)) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } } else { if (isSpammySearchTerm($_REQUEST['lookfor'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['filter'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['filter'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['filter'] as $searchTerm) { if (isSpammySearchTerm($searchTerm)) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } } else { if (isSpammySearchTerm($_REQUEST['filter'])) { $isMaliciousUrl = true; } } } if ($isMaliciousUrl) { trackSpammyRequest(); header("Location: /Error/Handle404"); exit(); } } function checkForTooManyFailedLogins(){ //Check to see if the request should be slowed or blocked due to failed logins try { $currentTime = time(); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/SystemLogging/FailedLoginsByIPAddress.php'; //Fail if we have more than 5 failed logins in 1 minute $failedLogins = new FailedLoginsByIPAddress(); $failedLogins->ipAddress = IPAddress::getClientIP(); $failedLogins->whereAdd('timestamp > ' . ($currentTime - 60)); if ($failedLogins->count() >= 5) { http_response_code(403); echo("


We are unable to handle your request.

"); die(); } //Slow if we have more than 10 logins in 5 minutes $failedLogins = new FailedLoginsByIPAddress(); $failedLogins->ipAddress = IPAddress::getClientIP(); $failedLogins->whereAdd('timestamp > ' . ($currentTime - 300)); if ($failedLogins->count() >= 10) { sleep(10); } }catch (Exception $e) { //This fails if the table has not been created, ignore } } function trackSpammyRequest() { global $usageByIPAddress; $usageByIPAddress->numSpammyRequests++; if ($usageByIPAddress->id) { if ($usageByIPAddress->numSpammyRequests > 10) { //Automatically block the IP address require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/IP/IPAddress.php'; $ipAddress = new IPAddress(); $ipAddress->ip = IPAddress::getClientIP(); if (!$ipAddress->find(true)) { $ipAddress->locationid = -1; $ipAddress->location = 'Spam IP'; $ipAddress->isOpac = 0; $ipAddress->calcIpRange(); $ipAddress->insert(); } else if (!$ipAddress->isOpac && $ipAddress->locationid == -1) { $ipAddress->blockedForSpam = 1; $ipAddress->update(); } } $usageByIPAddress->update(); } else { $usageByIPAddress->insert(); } }