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When a young woman is offered the choice ofsaving a man's life at the price of her own chastity,what should she do?
The political and moral corruption of Vienna has driven Duke Vincentio into hiding while his deputy governor, Angelo is left to revive the old discipline of civic authority. Angelos First act is to imprison Claudio, a young nobleman who has gotten his betrothed, Juliet, with child. Under the old laws, this is punishable by death.
...No play in the modern theatre has so captured the imagination and heart of the American public as Tennessee Williams's The Glass Menagerie.
Menagerie was Williams's first popular success and launched the brilliant, if somewhat controversial, career of our pre-eminent lyric playwright. Since its premiere in Chicago in 1944, with the legendary Laurette Taylor in the role of Amanda, the play has been the bravura piece for great...