Catalog Search Results
*Shortlisted for the Prime Minister's Literary Awards 2020: Non-Fiction*
Hearing Maud: A Journey for a Voice is a work of creative non-fiction that details the author'sexperiences of deafness after losing most of her hearing at age four. It charts how, as shegrew up, she was estranged from people and turned to reading and writing for solace,eventually establishing a career as a writer.
Central to her narrative is the
...What fuels and sustains activism and organizing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing? Let This Radicalize You is a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe.
Longtime organizers and movement educators Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes examine some of the political lessons
Mientras me hallo aquí planchando "¿Qué le habrá pasado al planchado permanente?" Tina se pregunta en voz alta mientras plancha un par de pantalones Capri de lino y tiene problemas para quitar las arrugas. Ella recorre la historia de los tejidos, desde el planchado permanente, hasta el...
Economista, historiador, diputado en los años de la Transición, ministro de Sanidad y Consumo del primer Gobierno socialista, rector de la Universidad Menéndez y Pelayo, melómano, atleta, apasionado del fútbol, del Barça y de la Real Sociedad, columnista,...
La reina Isabel es tal vez la soberana más legendaria y celebrada en la historia inglesa....
14) Marco Aurelio
16) Adriano
«El carácter de Adriano era desconcertante y contradictorio: severo y jovial, afable y duro, impetuoso y dubitativo,...