Angie Thomas
Maverick feels strongly about family ties, making choices he feels necessary to help support his mom while his King father serves time, and leave him literally holding his son in a doctor's waiting room after he gets paternity test results back and his babymomma ghosts. Now the child he's raising is impacting the lives of his family and his girlfriend, and the gang life he led to support them all financially could leave them all bearing his responsibilities...
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Awesome YA Books by Black Authors
Formidable Females in YA
High School Battle of the Books 2019-2020
YA Books to Screen 2022-2024
Formidable Females in YA
High School Battle of the Books 2019-2020
YA Books to Screen 2022-2024
"Sixteen-year-old Bri hopes to become a great rapper, and after her first song goes viral for all the wrong reasons, must decide whether to sell out or face eviction with her widowed mother"--Provided by publisher.
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Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed. Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Protesters...
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"It's not easy being a Remarkable in the Unremarkable world. Some things are cool--like getting a pet hellhound for your twelfth birthday. Others, not so much--like not being trusted to learn magic because you might use it to take revenge on an annoying neighbor. All Nic Blake wants is to be a powerful Manifestor like her dad. But before she has a chance to convince him to teach her the gift, a series of shocking revelations and terrifying events...
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Literatura Juvenil en Español
YA Novels in English and in Spanish/Novelas para jovenes en inglés y español
YA Novels in English and in Spanish/Novelas para jovenes en inglés y español
"Starr es una chica de dieciséis años que vive entre dos mundos: el barrio pobre de gente negra donde nació, y su escuela situada en un elegante barrio residencial blanco. El difícil equilibrio entre ambos se hace añicos cuando ella es testigo de la muerte a tiros de su mejor amigo, Khalil, a manos de un policía. A partir de ese momento, todo lo que Starr diga acerca de la aterradora noche que cambió su vida podrá ser usado de excusa...
"A gang leader's son finds his effort to go straight for the sake of his child challenged by a loved one's brutal murder, in a poignant exploration of Black coming-of-age set seventeen years before the events of the award-winning 'The Hate U Give'"--
"En Garden Heights, ser niño implica, desde muy temprano, demostrar que eres un hombre. La lealtad a tu pandilla, a tu familia, a tus ideales, es un peso que amenaza con derrumbarte cada día. Maverick...
Bri wants to be one of the greatest rappers of all time. Bri s got massive shoes to fill- her dad, an underground hip hop legend, died right before he hit big. With the fridge at home empty after her mom loses her job, Bri pours her anger into her first song, which goes viral for all the wrong reasons.
9) Blackout
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"Six critically acclaimed, bestselling, and award-winning authors bring the glowing warmth and electricity of Black teen love to this interlinked novel of charming, hilarious, and heartwarming stories that shine a bright light through the dark"--
As a summer heatwave blankets New York City, the light go out. The city is thrown into confusion-- and a different kind of electricity sparks. People reveal hidden truths. Love blossoms, friendship transforms,...
11) On the come up
Brianna Jackson is a sixteen-year-old gifted rapper who attempts to take the battle rap scene by storm to lift her family and do right by the legacy of her father a local hip-hop legend whose career was cut short by gang violence. But when her first hit song goes viral for all the wrong reasons, she finds herself torn between the authenticity that got her this far and the false persona that the industry wants to impose upon her. Based on the New York...
"Una sofocante ola de calor deja a la ciudad de Nueva York sumida en un apagón, pero en medio de la noche más cálida y oscura, otro tipo de chispas brillarán en la ciudad. Un primer encuentro. Amigos de toda la vida. Ex amargados. Y quizá... el inicio de algo nuevo. Cuando las luces se apagan, los sentimientos más profundos salen a la luz: el amor florece, la amistad se transforma en algo nuevo y todas las posibilidades tienen una oportunidad...
Presents six short romance stories about black teens by various authors that are all set in contemporary New York City during a summer blackout due to a heat wave. The characters are all either on their way or eventually heading to a block party in Brooklyn and confront a mix of feelings associated with varying stages of relationships, including instant connections, reconciling a past break-up, and friendships on the cusp of love.
14) The hate u give
Starr Carter navigates the perilous waters between her poor, black neighborhood and her prestigious, mainly white private school. This all changes when she finds herself in the middle of racial activism after her best friend is shot by police officers, and she's forced to make a decision. Allow the media to skewer her friend to protect the status quo, or stand up and tell the truth in memory of Khalil?
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Nashville Pride Recommends 2024: Favorite Queer Books
YA Books to Screen 2022-2024
YA Contemporary Fiction Classics
YA Books to Screen 2022-2024
YA Contemporary Fiction Classics
After enduring his father's suicide, his own suicide attempt, broken friendships, and more in the Bronx projects, Aaron Soto, sixteen, is already considering the Leteo Institute's memory-alteration procedure when his new friendship with Thomas turns to unrequited love.
Sharing candid interviews with 13 top children's and young adult authors who discuss why their books have faced censorship, a historian and critic puts First Amendment challenges into historical context and examines the support network that protects and defends young people's rights.