Toshio Suzuki
3) Ponyo
A young boy named Sosuke rescues a goldfish named Ponyo, and they embarkon a fantastic journey of friendship and discovery before Ponyo's father, apowerful sorcerer, forces her to return to her home in the sea. Ponyo's desire to be human upsets the delicate balance of nature and triggers a giganticstorm. Only Ponyo's mother, a beautiful sea goddess, can restore nature's balance and make Ponyo's dreams come true.
Appears on list
A young girl, Chihiro, finds herself trapped in a strange new world of spirits. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, she must call on the courage she never knew she had to free herself and return her family to the outside world. An unforgettable story, brimming with creativity, this will take viewers on a journey beyond imagination.
7) Porco Rosso
Slouching towards middle age, Porco Rosso makes his living by flying about in his red bi-plane and fighting sky bandits who prey on cruise ships sailing the Adriatic. When he's not engaging in dog fights, this pilot lives on a deserted island retreat. Porco was once a strappling young man, but after his entire squardron was wiped out, he is mysteriously transformed into a pig. Then he is defeated in a dogfight against a dashing American rival, who...