Bárbara Montes
The very same day Amanda Black turns thirteen, she receives a mysterious letter that will change her life. And in such a way. After living in squalor, she and her aunt Paula now move to a colossal and labyrinthine manor that has been in the Black family for generations. On top of that, Amanda's body begins to manifest unsuspected abilities, and she learns she must take over a gripping, secret, and dangerous family legacy, for which she must immediately...
"Desde que hered̤ sus poderes, Amanda no ha tenido ni un momento de descanso: entrenos, deberes, misiones... Pero todo est̀ a punto de cambiar, porque por primera vez ha decidido tomarse el d̕a libre para asistir al baile del instituto. Se comprar̀ un vestido bonito, le pedir̀ a Jason que la acompąe y todo ser̀ genial. ¡El suęo de cualquier adolescente! Sin embargo, las cosas nunca son como una quiere. La mąana del baile, la t̕a Paula...