Donna Barba Higuera
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Back to School
Big Feelings about Back to School
Diverse Books - Latino/Latinx, Hispanic, and Latin American Children
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Big Feelings about Back to School
Diverse Books - Latino/Latinx, Hispanic, and Latin American Children
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Ramón is worried about his first day at a new school, but it helps to remind El Cucuy, the monster who lives in his cactus pot, of how brave and strong they both are.
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Children's and Middle Grade Novels in Spanish and English/Novelas juveniles en español e inglés
Latinx Kids
Main Children's Staff Chapter Book Favorites
Science Fiction for Kids
Latinx Kids
Main Children's Staff Chapter Book Favorites
Science Fiction for Kids
"A girl named Petra Peña, who wanted nothing more than to be a storyteller, like her abuelita. But Petra's world is ending. Earth has been destroyed by a comet, and only a few hundred scientists and their children - among them Petra and her family - have been chosen to journey to a new planet. They are the ones who must carry on the human race. Hundreds of years later, Petra wakes to this new planet - and the discovery that she is the only person...
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Children's and Middle Grade Novels in Spanish and English/Novelas juveniles en español e inglés
Funny Books for Kids
Funny Books for Kids
"Lupe Wong is going to be the first female pitcher in the Major Leagues. She's also championed causes her whole young life. Some worthy ... like expanding the options for race on school tests beyond just a few bubbles. And some not so complaining to the BBC about the length between Doctor Who seasons. Lupe needs an A in all her classes in order to meet her favorite pitcher, Fu Li Hernandez, who's Chinacan/Mexinese just like her. So when...
4) Alebrijes
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When thirteen-year-old Leandro takes the fall for his sister and is exiled into an ancient drone, he embarks on a perilous journey beyond the city's walls where he encounters mutant monsters, wasteland pirates, and fellow outcasts as he tries to save his sister and fellow Cascabeles from the oppressive regime.
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"Ramón is a little boy who can't wait for Navidad. El Cucuy is the friendly monster who lives in Ramón's bedroom. He's not so sure that Christmas is for him. The lights are too bright, and the snowman is scary! So if El Cucuy is hesitant to embrace the holiday cheer, then Ramón will have to bring the spirit of Navidad to him. A tender, heartwarming story about facing the unknown with a friend by your side, this companion to El Cucuy Is Scared,...
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"Ramón no puede dormir. El primer día en su nueva escuela lo asusta. El Cucuy es el monstruo que vive en el cactus de Ramón y tampoco puede dormir. ¡El Cucuy también tiene miedo!"--
Ramón is worried about his first day at a new school, but it helps to remind El Cucuy, the monster who lives in his cactus pot, of how brave and strong they both are.
Lupe Wong quiere ser la primera lanzadora femenina en las Grandes Ligas.
Durante toda su infancia, ha defendido causas. Algunas dignas...como la expansión de las opciones de raza en los exámenes escolares, para que sean más allá de unas pocas posibilidades. Y otras menos...como quejarse al canal BBC sobre la duración entre temporadas de Doctor Who.
Lupe necesita un 100% como calificación en todas sus...
Durante toda su infancia, ha defendido causas. Algunas dignas...como la expansión de las opciones de raza en los exámenes escolares, para que sean más allá de unas pocas posibilidades. Y otras menos...como quejarse al canal BBC sobre la duración entre temporadas de Doctor Who.
Lupe necesita un 100% como calificación en todas sus...
8) Alebrijes
Por más de 400 años, el mundo ha sido un sinfín de tierras baldías. Los pocos seres humanos que logran sobrevivir han formado una existencia en la ruin ciudad de Pocatel, o prueban su suerte en las Forastierras, llenas de espíritus deambulantes y gudrones. No suelen durar mucho. Leandro, un carterisa de trece años, y su hermana Gabi hacen lo que tienen que hacer para forjar una vida en Pocatel. La ciudad desconfía de Cascabeles como...
When a comet destroys Earth, Petra Peäna and her family are a few of the humans chosen to colonize a new planet for humanity. Hundreds of years later, Petra awakens and discovers that she is the only one who remembers Earth. While their ship traveled to the new planet, a sinister Collective took over, wiped the passengers' memories of humanity's sins, and purged all citizens who failed to comply. To fight back against the Collective, Petra must...
Appears on these lists
Children's and Middle Grade Novels in Spanish and English/Novelas juveniles en español e inglés
Mighty Little Girls
Mighty Little Girls
Lupe Wong needs an A in all of her classes in order to meet her favorite baseball pitcher, but when square dancing is introduced in gym, it might just bring her demise.
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"Una niña llamada Petra Peña que no quería otra cosa que ser cuentista, como su abuelita. Pero el mundo de Petra está llegando a su fin. La Tierra ha sido destruida por un cometa, y solo unos pocos científicos y sus hijos --entre ellos, Petra y su familia-- han sido elegidos para viajar a un nuevo planeta. Son ellos quienes garantizarán la continuidad de la raza humana. Cientos de años después, Petra despierta en el nuevo planeta y...
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Diverse Books - Latino/Latinx, Hispanic, and Latin American Children
Picture Books for Hispanic Heritage Month 2023
Sky Bear 2023
Picture Books for Hispanic Heritage Month 2023
Sky Bear 2023
A young girl wishes her family could be more like her friends' families and subconsciously blames her abuela and her yellow handkerchief, but she slowly grows to appreciate and love the language and culture the handkerchief represents.