Liz Lee Heinecke
When you step into your kitchen to cook or bake, you put science to work. Physics and chemistry come into play each time you simmer, steam, bake, freeze, boil, puree, saute, or ferment food. Kitchen Science Lab for Kids: EDIBLE EDITION guides you through the physics,
...The home provides an environment for freedom, creativity and invention—all important elements for great science. And you would never have guessed that science can be as easy as baking. It's simple,...
While many aspiring artists don't necessarily identify with STEM subjects, and many young inventors don't see the need for art, one is essential to the other. Revealing this connection and encouraging kids to explore it fills hungry minds with tools essential to problem solving and...
Energy Lab for Kids offers 40 discovery-filled and thought-provoking energy projects by Emily Hawbaker, a science educator from the NEED (National Energy Education Development) project—with a foreword by Liz Lee Heinecke, author of Kitchen Science Lab for Kids. Using supplies that you can find around the house or in the grocery store, these exciting projects let you observe, explore, discover, and get energized!