Jenny Goebel
2) I.R.L
"Not every kid would be thrilled to move to rural Alaska, but sixth grader Lucy is eager to leave her bullies behind and start over. However, it turns out that Lucy's new school does remote learning from October to April, when the roads become too icy to navigate safely. Being the new kid is hard enough--how is she going to make friends when she can't meet anyone in person? Luckily, the sixth grade class at White Pine Secondary School is tiny (just...
Even in the town of Fortune Falls, a place where superstitions about things like four-leaf clovers and rabbits feet really are true, Sadie Bleeker cannot catch a break. She is an Unlucky, and since her luck will only get worse as she grows up, she is to be sent away on her thirteenth birthday to prevent harm to her family. However, Sadie loves Fortune Falls, and in order to stay in town she vows to reverse her bad luck in any way possible--to hilarious...
"Twelve-year-old Grace is desperate for a puppy. All she wants is someone to love--and to love her back. Someone who won't disappear on her like her dad did. Someone who'll make her new stepfather's house feel like home. Christmas morning, Grace springs out of bed hopeful that her dreams are about to come true. But the present that awaits her isn't soft and furry. It doesn't have padded paws. And instead of a dark, wet nose, there's a flat, pink nose...
7) Backcountry
"Emily has always excelled at sports, and her athletic abilities have given her confidence on and off the courts. So when she starts to drag during her middle-school volleyball season, she assumes it must be the flu. But after a particularly intense game, she finds herself riding in the back of an ambulance, a paramedic telling her that her life will never be the same. Adjusting to life with type 1 diabetes isn't easy. Emily is desperate to prove...